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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu

My name is Cywil and I am active, as befits my still young age. I like to show off, have fun, but also learn new things. I am caregiver focused. I love sniffing, swimming and digging holes in the ground. Some things are still foreign to me, but I'm getting better at it. During walks, I sometimes pull, especially when a stimulus stimulates me. I don't accept cats. I get angry and bark at the dogs I pass, but I have no bad intentions. I usually get along with small dogs, but it varies with larger dogs - depending on the dog. It is possible that I could go home with another well-balanced dog, but it would be necessary to get to know him and go on a few walks together. I have to be on hypoallergenic food and take enzymes three times a day. It would be good to start supplementing my joints to avoid bigger problems in the future, so I will be grateful if you would like to give them to me.

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